Pharmacy Knowledge ONtrack questions are written and reviewed by practising pharmacists, lecturers and previous GPhC exam writers.
With the option to pick the number of questions you want to answer and save your session for later, you can study when and how it suits you. You can view your results and track your progress against your peers by using the graphs provided. Your subscription gives you full access to all three question types which cover the full curriculum defined by the GPhC.
"The style of questions are very much alike to how questions were phrased in the exam. Very appreciative of how ONtrack has been such a helpful and useful resource for my revision."
"It is a timed session and we can choose how much question we want to do. It allows for a quick revision. The instant feedback and explanation was really helpful too. And the progress graph helps to boost my confidence and help me see where am i standing at that point in time."
Trainee pharmacists
As a foundation trainee member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, you can receive 30 days free access to Pharmacy Knowledge ONtrack along with a wide range of other member benefits. To find out more please visit the RPS website
To access Pharmacy Knowledge ONtrack as a foundation trainee member, log in via the RPS member login and select your chosen subscription period. If you are not a member of the RPS, to access Pharmacy Knowledge ONtrack, register online now and select your chosen subscription period. Alternatively, become a foundation trainee member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
If you're a foundation trainee member of the RPS, you are also entitled to 25% off the full subscription price.
Foundation trainee members will be sent a code by the RPS after joining, which can be used once. This allows 30 days free access or £52.50 off the normal foundation trainee member rate should they wish to take out any subscription period longer than 30 days. Your membership discount and voucher code will only be applied if you have logged in via the RPS member login as a foundation trainee member.
Subscription | Subscription rate | Foundation trainee member rate | Foundation trainee member rate (*with single code use) |
30 days | £70 | £52.50 | £0 |
60 days | £115 | £86.25 | £33.75 |
90 days | £150 | £112.50 | £60 |
6 months | £200 | £150 | £97.50 |
*NOTE: The 30 day free access code can only be used once. For subscriptions longer than 1 month, the code provides further discount off your subscription, not an additional 30 days to the overall subscription.
Sharing your login details with another person to try to gain discounted rates is a breach of our terms and conditions. Your account will be terminated and no refund will be given. Your subscription period will start from the moment you complete your purchase.
Institution/corporate subscriptions
If you would like to discuss discounted access to Pharmacy Knowledge ONtrack for all your trainee pharmacists, please email